Wednesday 7 December 2011

Merlin - A different Perspective

A friend of mine introduced me to the BBC show Merlin recently. At first glance I didn't think I would enjoy it. The show is aimed at a younger audience and I tend to like films about the Medieval age a bit darker. However I was actually pleasantly surprised by this series, and since it's in it's fourth season I imagine many others feel the same way.

There have been many different interpretations of the story of Merlin and King Arthur. I remember watching The Sword in the Stone as a Child and always saw Merlin as an older, wise wizard and Arthur as a young boy. I recently watched King Arthur which aims to show a more accurate story about Arthur. In that film Arthur is a skilled Roman Cavalry Officer, Merlin and Guinevere are woads. In the film First Knight Arthur is King of Camelot and Guinevere is his much younger bride. That film focusses on the love affair between Guinevere and Lancelot.

In the BBC TV series of Merlin they have chosen to interpret the story in a different way. Merlin is a young man, around 20 years old. He has come to Camelot to work as a page under Gaius, King Uther's physician. He becomes a servant to Prince Arthur who is around the same age as Merlin. Arthur is proud and a little egotistical but he is also a skilled fighter and loyal to his people. Merlin discovers that it is his destiny to protect Arthur who has a habit of getting into extremely dangerous situations.  Merlin is an highly powerful wizard, even though he is still learning with the help of Gaius. However King Uther, Arthur's father, has banned any magic from Camelot. Therefore Merlin has to do all his magic in secret ensuring that no one knows, not even Arthur who, like his father, believes that magic is evil.

The King's ward, Morgana, also possesses magic. However without guidance her magic leads her to a darker path. Morgana has a very interesting character arc over the series. She begins as a kind and loving friend to Merlin and Arthur but eventually becomes an enemy of Camelot. Her servant is Guinevere. In the first two seasons Gwen and Morgana are close friends, but this friendship turns sour when Morgana realises that Gwen is destined to be Arthurs bride and Queen. Morgana will stop at nothing to ensure that their union never takes place.

The relationship between Arthur and Gwen is interesting because he is a Prince and she a servant. By season two however it is clear that they have feelings for each other. There are some great episodes that focus on the relationship, particularly when Lancelot enters the scene. Arthur's character arc can be seen via this relationship with Gwen. Because of her he becomes more humble. She provides an insight to what it is like to be a servant in Camelot. Of course we know that Arthur will end up with Gwen, they will eventually rule Camelot together, but so far the series is taking it's time, making sure there are enough obstacles in their way to keep them from their happy ever after.

I really like the character of Merlin in this series. When I first saw the actor I thought he looked nothing like Merlin to me at all. That is probably because to me Merlin is an old man with long white hair and a long white beard. However Colin Morgan who plays Merlin does a great job at providing comedy as well as showing the burden Merlin has to carry. In every episode Merlin saves Arthur and Camelot using magic, but since he has to do so in secret he rarely gets thanked. Usually Arthur demands to know where he's been all day and punishes him by making him polish his armor. Arthur does treat Merlin as a servant but he also sees Merlin as a friend and there are plenty of bromance moments throughout the series. One day Arthur will discover Merlin's secret and the writers have done a good job of keeping us guessing as to how Arthur will respond. If Arthur would banish Gwen, his own true love, out of Camelot, what would he do to his magic wielding servant?

I am really enjoying this series so far. It's definitely a lighter and fluffier version of the Arthurian legend than I am accustomed to but it's still very entertaining. We saw Merlin put Excalibur in the stone at the end of season three, and the last two episodes of season four are titled "The Sword in the Stone." So hopefully we will finally get to see Arthur prove that he was born to rule Camelot in the way he was destined to.

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