Friday 20 July 2012


Another senseless tragedy has occurred. Early this morning a theatre in Colorado was packed with fans watching the premiere of The Dark Knight Rises. Thirty minutes into the film a gunman walked in, threw gas and opened fire. Twelve people were killed, over 40 wounded, and countless affected.

I am not writing this to talk about what happened, because the media is covering those aspects. Here is the latest update from CNN if you're interested. I am not writing this to go into detail about the human psyche, ask questions about why or how this could have happened. These too will be answered over time, and by someone else. I want to focus this post on the where of it all.

One of the places I have always felt happiest is in a movie theatre. There is some comfort in those dark, cool cinemas where the real world turns off and an exciting new one replaces it for 120 minutes. But there has always been a nagging fear in the back of my mind, a what if? What if someone took advantage of this location? Here we all are, crowded together. Humans don't let each other get that close anymore, it's one of the last places in western society where we can sit close together, without concern of who's to the left or right of you. You're safe, surely, this is a place for entertainment and fun. Who would take advantage of that? But of course there are those that would, and have. A cinema is a black box with limited exits. There aren't many ways to get out in a hurry, especially if everyone is panicking.

My second home doesn't seem so safe when you look at it that way. After today's tragedy there are many who might fear that they will never feel safe in a cinema again. I cannot speak for those who have survived the tragedy or who survive the victims. But I will try speak for the rest of us. Fear has the potential to stay a long time after tragedy strikes. Ever since 9-11 the fear of flying has increased. I'm sure many people taking the London underground still struggle with the fear of "what if it happens again?". I'll never forget the day I was at Concordia University in Montreal and heard that a shooter had gone into the Cegep next to us and killed a student. It stops you in your tracks. Makes you wonder if you'll ever see the world the same again. Tragedies change everything, they shift us all in different ways.

This tragedy will leave it's mark, as all do. However this tragedy doesn't just impact the people involved. It happened in a movie theatre, during one of the most highly anticipated films of the year, on its release day. There is talk that Warner Bros. may cancel all DKR screenings across the US. This may seem extreme but think about it, they need to make the expected gross off of this film, much of which will come from the US, and many Americans will be afraid to go to the cinema to see that film so soon after this happened. I can understand that. But I feel the need to defend my second home. Because dammit, I won't let anyone take it from me. The suspect of this shooting could have done it anywhere else, a park, a mall, a school. They've been the locations of such tragedies before. I am not sure why he chose that cinema, and that film. I am sure there will be those who will try to link the film to the killings, just as they tried with gaming and the Columbine tragedy. But here's the thing, this had nothing to do with the film, it had to do with one sick man's wrong decision.

My heart goes out to all those grieving this pointless tragedy, I cannot begin to understand what such loss feels like. We live in a dark world with many clouded minds. Sometimes, and particularly on days like today, it's hard to imagine the world as anything but dark. It's on those days that I usually go to my second home and let a film remind me of what it's like to feel magic and wonder. No one will ever take that from me. I will not fear a movie theatre, and neither should you. The most safest places on this earth can become the most dangerous if the wrong people are there, but we cannot live in fear of 'what ifs?' When I go to see The Dark Knight Rises next week I will think of the victims of this tragedy, but I won't let fear stop me from escaping from this difficult world for 120 mins, and neither should you.

That man has taken too much all ready, I will not let him take the happiness I feel in my second home. I will rise above fear.

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